Long Hair Do Care

I should not be allowed to have long hair. I’m not ready for the responsibility of caring for this hair *SMH*

I’m on vacation and forgot to bring conditioner even though I’m fully aware 85% of the time the hotels will not provide this (why?????). As soon as I saw the “conditioning shampoo” I knew I was in trouble.

Typically I wash my hair once or twice a week with some co-washing in between (I use Curlsmith Curl Quenching Conditioning Wash which I highly recommend). I have the satin pillows, do the braiding before bed, that kind of…care. On vacation though? I may have forgotten to try to tame my hair before bed.

I can’t explain how I washed my hair the next morning. I kept hoping that as I applied and scrubbed the knots would just go away.

They didn’t.

When I say I wanted to cry and take the butter knife to my hair (note to self: leaving scissors at home was a good idea) I meant it. I had noooo clue how I was going to get through this rat’s nest. It was the same story on BOTH sides *insert cry emoji*.

Thankfully I grabbed random sample products I keep specifically for traveling and miraculously I had packed It’s a 10 Miracle Leave-in and Virtue Split End Serum

I have experience with the It’s a 10 product and the one issue I have with it is that at some point early on in the product’s life, it becomes impossible to spray out. Given my dire situation, I added a bit of hot water, shook and hoped for the best.

I had not previously used the Virtue product but I definitely have split ends so, perfect! I probably used half of this sample in my hair today. Which means, I can confidently say it doesn’t not leave your hair sticky or greasy and it doesn’t feel heavy. This helped me untangle my hair enough to separate it in smaller sections to deal with the knots.

Once I got my hair separated into smaller sections I started spraying the It’s a 10 and used a comb to brush through the remaining tiny knots.

After what felt like a lifetime, but was only 20 minutes, I was able to comb through my hair completely. Try not to recoil in horror, I know I need a cut and color touchup. Working from home has made it a low priority. After this though, I may need to reevaluate.

So my hair goes back to it’s standard side braid until it and I learn how to act right.

All lazy hair tips are welcomed 🙂